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Table 9 Binary logistic regression: Interplay between social identifications, country contexts and local voting probability

From: The relationship between social identification and local voting, and its interplay with personal and group discrimination among the descendants of Turkish immigrants in Western Europe


Model A1

Model A2

Social Identification

 Turkish identification

.25 (.25)

.19 (.11)†

 Islamic identification

−.01 (.07)

−.05 (.02)*

Perceived Discrimination

 Group discrimination of Turkish-origin individuals

.08 (.09)

.06 (.07)

 Group discrimination of Muslims

−.08 (.07)

−.09 (.08)

 Personal experiences of discrimination

.02 (.07)

.04 (.06)

Control variables


.07 (.02)***

.08 (.02)***

 Women (ref. men)

.04 (.12)

−.02 (.12)

 Middle education (ref. lower)

−.33 (.42)

−.16 (.49)

 Higher education (ref. lower)

.24 (.51)

.37 (.65)

 Hours worked per week

.00 (.01)

.01 (.01)

 Monthly income

−.05 (.05)

−.07 (.06)

 Language proficiency

.12 (.03)***

.11 (.04)**

 National identification

.26 (.11)*

.21 (.10)*

 National-origin composition neighborhood

−.03 (.07)

−.02 (.07)

 Turkish best friend (ref. native best friend)

−.57 (.20)**

−.37 (.20)†

 Other origin best friend (ref. native best friend)

−.14 (.22)

.16 (.20)

 Islamic denomination (ref. Sunni)


.72 (.46)

.76 (.45)†


.32 (.29)

.43 (.29)

  Other Muslims

−.11 (.11)

−.11 (.11)


.16 (.17)


Countries (ref. Austria)


.22 (1.50)

−.05 (.64)


.95 (1.36)

−1.18 (.39)**


.65 (1.20)

−.12 (.91)

 The Netherlands

.99 (1.21)

−.35 (.43)

Interaction effects

 France * Turkish identification

−.06 (.29)


 Germany * Turkish identification

−.36 (.25)


 Switzerland * Turkish identification

−.17 (.25)


 The Netherlands * Turkish identification

−.03 (.23)


 France * Islamic identification


.05 (.10)

 Germany * Islamic identification


.15 (.04)***

 Switzerland * Islamic identification


.07 (.13)

 The Netherlands * Islamic identification


.31 (.11)**










  1. The results are reported in log odds, the standard errors are indicated in parentheses and the standard errors are clustered on cities
  2. Source: TIES survey 2007/2008; † p < 0.10 *p < 0.05 **p < 0.01 ***p < 0.001