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Table 2 Non-contributory social transfers (NCST) during the pandemic in selected Latin American countries by type of provider and inclusion/exclusion of migrant and refugee populations

From: Towards a typology of social protection for migrants and refugees in Latin America during the COVID-19 pandemic


NCST from national government

NCST from International Organisations (IOs) and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs)

Inclusion of migrants/refugees

Inclusion of migrants/refugees in IOs programmes

Inclusion of migrants/refugees in CSOs initiatives

Main programmes


Requirements for inclusion

Effective inclusion

Reason for exclusion

Main programmes

Criteria for inclusion

Main initiatives

Criteria for inclusion


Bolsa Família (PBF)

Increase in existing transfer and expansion to new recipients

PBF: Regular migration status [CPF or Valid ID for registration in social programmes registry (CadÚnico). CPF is not conditioned to regular migration status]

PBF: Full inclusion

PBF: Over income threshold

Cash transfers

Direct food provision

NGO financing of food provision

Hygiene kits [personal and household]

Open to anyone in need (nationals and non-nationals)

Most vulnerable individuals/families are prioritised

Some funds are earmarked for humanitarian response for Venezuelans

Cash transfers

Direct food provision

Personal and household hygiene kits

Open to anyone in need (nationals and non-nationals)

Most vulnerable individuals/families are prioritised for cash transfers


Auxílio Emergencial (AE)

New transfer

Regular migration status [CPF and valid ID. expiration dates of government-issued IDs were extended]

Full inclusion [Despite initial implementation problems most migrants and refugees were contemplated]

Digital registration opened to all

In-person cashing-in of benefit requires possession of valid migration or refugee document


Subsidio Único Familiar (SUF)


Regular migration status [National ID with ‘Unique National Number’ RUT. A valid RUT is conditioned to regular migration status]

Limited to regular migrants

Irregular migration status

Financing for NGOs, municipalities and national government

Cash transfers

Vouchers and direct food provision

Financing of shelters and lodging

Open to migrants, asylum seekers and refugees

Most vulnerable groups are prioritised

Venezuelans and vulnerable migration groups are prioritised

Cash transfers

Direct food provision

Hygiene kits

Open to migrants, asylum seekers and refugees



New transfers

Regular migration status [Valid national ID with RUT and previous registration in other NCST programmes—household social registry]

Limited to regular migrants and population [discretionality]

Irregular migration status and no previous enrolment in NCST pre existing programmes


Familias en Acción (FA)


Colombian nationality


Migrants and refugees are not eligible

Cash transfers

Direct food provision

Hygiene kits

-Financing for NGOs, municipalities and national government

Open to migrants, asylum seekers and refugees

Most vulnerable groups are prioritised

National, returned and displaced populations were included

Cash transfers

Direct food provision

-Hygiene Kits

Most vulnerable individuals/families are prioritised


Ingreso solidario (IS)

New transfer

Regular migration status [PEP for Venezuelans]

Limited to regular migrants registered in social programmes registry (SISBEN)

Irregular migration status


Bono de Desarrollo Humano (BDH)


Ecuadorian nationality [since 2019 for BDH]


Migrants and refugees are not eligible

Transfers to NGOs and local governments

Open to migrants, asylum seekers and refugees

Most vulnerable groups are prioritised

Cash transfers

Direct food provision

Hygiene kits

Open to migrants, asylum seekers and refugees


Bono de Protección Familiar por Emergencia (BPFE)

New transfer

Ecuadorian nationality [since 2019 for BDH]


Migrants and refugees are not eligible


Benito Juárez (BJ) scholarship for young students3


Regular migration status

Limited inclusion [uneven geographical discretionality]

BJ: Uneven criteria for required documentation

Cash transfers

Hygiene kits

Financing of shelters and lodging

Flexible criteria for NGO financing

National network with comprehensive provision of services in shelters

Direct food provision

Hygiene kits

Open to anyone in need (nationals and non-nationals)


Pensión para el Bienestar de Adultos Mayores (PBAM)

Early disbursement

Mexican nationality


Migrants and refugees are not eligible



Expansion of cash transfer to new recipients

JUNTOS: Specific regular migration status

JUNTOS: Limited to migrants and refugee with residency card

JUNTOS: Asylum seekers, temporary residence permit holders, and irregular migrants are not eligible

Cash transfers

Direct food provision

Hygiene kits

Open to migrants, asylum seekers and refugees

Most vulnerable groups are prioritised

Cash transfers

Direct food provision

Hygiene kits

Open to anyone in need (nationals and non-nationals)

Venezuelan migrants and refugees are prioritised



New transfers

Peruvian nationality [Valid national ID]


Migrants and refugees are not eligible


Asignaciones Familiares Plan de Equidad (AFAM PE)

Maintenance and increase of existing benefit

Regular migration status [valid national ID issued to asylum and residence permit applicants, cédula de identidad provisoria]

Limited to regular migrants

Migrants that do not certify having a residence permit application or asylum seeker application are excluded

Cash transfers

Direct food provision

Hygiene kits

Financing lodging

Open to migrants, asylum seekers and refugees

Most vulnerable groups are prioritised

Venezuelans and vulnerable migrant groups are prioritised

Contingent inclusion of nationals

NGOs receive support from AIs

Open to migrant, asylum seekers and refugees




Tarjeta Uruguay Social (TUS)


Canasta de Emergencia Alimentaria (CEA)

New transfer

Not conditioned to regular migration status

Full inclusion

Administrative challenges for digital registration faced by irregular migrants [These issues were solved through direct provision of food]

  1. Source: Own elaboration based on the analysis of interviews conducted in the seven country case studies
  2. (1) Chile implemented a wide range of policies and NCSTs based programmes in response to the pandemic. These included the Bono Covid19 [COVID-19 Benefit] (Law 21,225) and Ingreso Familiar de Emergencia (IFE) [Emergency Family Income] (Law 21,230), the former targeting the 60% most vulnerable households and the former targeting households with no formal income, belonging to the 90% most vulnerable. The government also implemented the Bono a la Clase Media [Middle-Class Benefit] and the Subsidio Ingreso Mínimo Garantizado (Law 21,218) [Minimum Wage Guarantee]. (2) Peru implemented the following NCST programmes: Yo me quedo en casa [I Stay at Home] (Executive order 027-2020, art. 2), Bono Independiente [Self-employed Benefit] (Executive order 027-2020, art. 3), Bono rural [Rural Benefit] (Executive order 042-2020, art. 2), and Bono Familiar Universal [Universal Family Benefit] (Executive order 052-2020, art. 2). (3) As part of the current administration’s non-contributory programs, Mexico also ​​implements the Programa Pensión para el Bienestar de las Personas con Discapacidad [Pension Program for the Welfare of People with Disabilities], through which girls, boys, adolescents, and youth aged 0–29 with permanent disabilities, and indigenous population aged 0–64, receive cash transfers in bimonthly basis