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Table 2 Right to stay in OECD countries

From: Students or internationals? Divergent patterns of governing international student mobility in Germany and the United Kingdom

Right to stay

Examples (months)

Limited right to stay

United Kingdom (pre-Brexit; 4)

Moderate right to stay

France (12), Netherlands (12), United States (12)

Generous right to stay

Australia (24–48), Canada (8–36), Germany (18)

  1. Source: Own compilation and illustration based on Trevena (2019). All time periods relate to the usual length of post-graduate work permits. In the cases of Canada and Australia, the time granted depends on the duration of the program; in the case of the UK, a visa allowing university graduates to stay for up to two years was introduced in 2021. It comes with a substantial application fee (GBP 715) and does not include access to most welfare benefits