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Table 2 Factor loadings and categorization of enlistment motivations

From: Fighting to belong: drivers for transnational diaspora military service in Israel and beyond

“I decided to enlist in the IDF because…”

Zionist Ideol

Personal growth


Integ. & Legit

I wanted to fight for Israel, defend and protect it



 − .24


the security situation in Israel at that time made me feel that I cannot stand aside



 − .04


I felt like I had to do my share, regardless of where I'll live later



 − .06


Because of religious reasons, e.g., because it's a mitzvah


 − .13

 − .09


because of antisemitism in the country I came from





I wanted to have a unique adventure, to do something different than everybody else





I needed a fresh start





I believed it would build my character, make me more mature and ready for life



 − .07


I did not know what I want to study or do in life

 − .05



 − .01

I believed Israel would have more to offer me, professionally and economically, than the country I came from

 − .07




because the law requires

 − .16

 − .11



I thought IDF service would look good on my resume





I believed it is important for being accepted in the Israeli society





I wanted to get to know better the people and culture of Israel, and military service is a good place for it










% of total variance





Total variance



Reliability (Cronbach’s α)





Extraction: common factor analysis; orthogonal varimax rotation; factor loadings > .4

Statements removed from the analysis: “I wanted to keep my options open, in case I'd like to live in Israel someday”; “I believed I would gain professional skills and/or social networks that would help me later in life”; “I felt that going to college was not right for me at that particular time”; “I wanted my friends/community to respect me”