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Table 8 Definition of all variables included in the estimations

From: Differences in migrants’ reason for migration and subjective well-being: not so different after all



Marital status (Single is the baseline category)


Married = 1, otherwise = 0


Divorced = 1, otherwise = 0


Widowed = 1, otherwise = 0

 Other marital status

Other marital status = 1, otherwise = 0

Religion (no religion is the baseline category)


Christian = 1, otherwise = 0


Protestant = 1, otherwise = 0


Buddhist = 1, otherwise = 0


Hindu = 1, otherwise = 0


Jewish = 1, otherwise = 0


Muslim = 1, otherwise = 0


Sik = 1, otherwise = 0

 Other religion

Other religion = 1, otherwise = 0



Mixed/multiple = 1, otherwise = 0. White is the baseline category

 Asian/Asian British

Asian/Asian British = 1, otherwise = 0. White is the baseline category

 Black/Black British

Black/Black British = 1, otherwise = 0. White is the baseline category


Arab = 1, otherwise = 0. White is the baseline category

 Other ethnicity

Other ethnicity = 1, otherwise = 0. White is the baseline category

Other demographic/social/household


Female = 1, Male = 0


In years

 Dependent children

Number of dependent children in household aged under 19


Age when completed full time education

Employment status


1 = Employed, Unemployed = 0

Migration related (UK-born is the baseline category)


Migrated for employment = 1, otherwise = 0


Migrated for study = 1, otherwise = 0


Migrated for family = 1, otherwise = 0


Migrated for asylum = 1, otherwise = 0

 Other reason migration

Migrated for other reason = 1, otherwise = 0

 Years since migration

Dummy variables indicating 0–4 years, 5–9 years, 10–14 years, 15–19 years, and 20 years and above since migration to the UK

Health (very bad is the baseline category.)

 Bad health

Bad health = 1, otherwise = 0

 Fair health

Fair health = 1, otherwise = 0

 Good health

Good health = 1, otherwise = 0

 Very good health

Very good health = 1, otherwise = 0

Subjective well-being

 Happiness—full scale

Original question in the APS is “How happy did you feel yesterday? (where nought is 'not at all happy' and 10 is 'completely happy')”

 Happiness—high well-being scale

Original question in the APS is “How happy did you feel yesterday? (where nought is 'not at all happy' and 10 is 'completely happy')”. Dummy variable = 1 for respondents in top quartile, otherwise = 0

 Anxiety—full scale

Original question in the APS is “How anxious did you feel yesterday? (where nought is 'not at all anxious and 10 is 'completely anxious)”

 Anxiety—high well-being scale

Original question in the APS is “How anxious did you feel yesterday? (where nought is 'not at all anxious and 10 is 'completely anxious)”. Dummy variable = 1 for respondents in top quartile, otherwise = 0

 Life satisfaction—full scale

Original question in the APS is “Overall, how satisfied are you with your life nowadays? where nought is 'not at all satisfied' and 10 is 'completely satisfied'”

 Life satisfaction—high well-being scale

Original question in the APS is “Overall, how satisfied are you with your life nowadays? where nought is 'not at all satisfied' and 10 is 'completely satisfied'”. Dummy variable = 1 for respondents in top quartile, otherwise = 0

 Worthwhile—full scale

Original question in the APS is “Overall, to what extent do you feel that the things you do in your life are worthwhile? where nought is 'not at all worthwhile' and 10 is 'completely worthwhile'”

 Worthwhile—high well-being scale

Original question in the APS is “Overall, to what extent do you feel that the things you do in your life are worthwhile? where nought is 'not at all worthwhile' and 10 is 'completely worthwhile'”. Dummy variable = 1 for respondents in top quartile, otherwise = 0


 Local authority

Dummy variables for each local authority identifier

 Survey quarter × year

Dummy variables for each of the 4 survey quarters (January–March, April–June, July–September, October–December) for every year of survey data (2012–2021)

 Country of birth

Dummy variable for each of the countries of birth listed in the APS